Southwest Airlines
Southwest told analysts that constrained capacity helped drive record revenues, admitted roughly 10% had more delays than before the pandemic Southwest’s CEO boasted their revenues were up 13.9% ...
Southwest told analysts that constrained capacity helped drive record revenues, admitted roughly 10% had more delays than before the pandemic Southwest’s CEO boasted their revenues were up 13.9% ...
United repeatedly told analysts it was restricting or reducing capacity, which it credited for higher revenues United’s CEO said that macro trends were “biased towards reducing capacity over th...
Delta boasted to analysts of having their best performing quarter ever Delta Airlines CEO proudly told analysts their “results mark clear financial progress as we report the highest quarterly rev...
American bragged about higher revenues on lower airline capacity American’s CEO boasted that the airlines revenue was up 12.2% from 2019 while flying 8.5% less capacity. “Robert Isom -- Chief E...