Kroger said it benefited from inflation because it was still cheaper to eat at home Kroger’s CFO said “We've been very comfortable with our ability to pass on the increases that we've seen at t...
Kroger said it benefited from inflation because it was still cheaper to eat at home Kroger’s CFO said “We've been very comfortable with our ability to pass on the increases that we've seen at t...
Hostess boasted of its “pricing power,” saying “When all prices go up, it helps.” Hostess CEO boasted to analysts and investors about the company’s “proven pricing power.” “Andy Cal...
Devon executives mentioned “capital discipline,” focusing their resources on “margin enhancement” Devon’s CEO touted the company’s “unyielding commitment to capital discipline, and th...
Despite expanding sales and profit margins, Chipotle’s CEO framed price hikes as a response to wage pressures Chipotle’s CEO said prices had increased 6% year over year, and suggested it was a ...
ConAgra rose prices while benefiting from poorer workers and work-from-home ConAgra CEO said the company was benefitting from “inflation-driven pricing actions and lower-than-expected elasticitie...
Constellation Brands, producer of Modelo and Corona, said it raised prices as much as its “Hispanic” consumers would allow Constellation Brands is a beer, wine, liquor distributor that owns the...
Hershey’s CEO said the company’s price increases “have seen a little bit better performance versus historical” price elasticity, suggesting consumers were accepting hikes. “Michele Buck - CE...
Hormel raised prices to boost margins and said the hikes are “by and large to stay” Hormel CEO: “The other thing to remember in all of this that we've talked about many times is our Grocery P...
Kellogg’s CEO told CNBC it was hiking prices: “our goal is to cover all of those input costs with pricing and productivity, and we think we’re in very good shape to do that.” “Kellogg may ra...
The CFO of Krispy Kreme: “we effectively ended the year with double-digit price increase for the year in the U.S., high single-digit on average across the world.” “John Glass -- Morgan Stanley -...
Continental Resources’s CEO said the company was limiting production growth and warned of oversupply Continental Resources CEO: “We will maintain our capital discipline, and we project generati...
Sealed Air admitted it was continuing price hikes even though input costs are going down & told investors it had “accelerated pricing actions” in 2021 Sealed Air CEO: “Starting in Q2 2021...